NoneBut, you may ask, are single wide manufactured homes safe?  After all, many people remember growing up and hearing about mobile homes being destroyed by either fire or tornados.  In 1976, the Department of Housing and Urban Development developed a set of standards to which all manufactured home builders must adhere. The National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Act is a set of rules to help make manufactured housing better built and safer.  In fact, although single wide manufactured homes often resemble the mobile homes of an earlier time, the term “mobile homesâ€ is outdated.  Congress officially changed the name from mobile homes to manufactured homes in 1980.  Manufactured homes built today are closely inspected to be sure they meet the federal requirements.Single wide manufactured homes of today can be customized to your needs.  Some come with as many as five bedrooms and may include one or two full baths, a living room, eat-in kitchen, and electric furnace.  Living space can be up to 2400 square feet – as much as you will find in many larger traditional homes.  The range of length for single wide manufactured homes runs between 60 and 72 feet and should be between 14 and 16 feet in width.Most manufactured home sellers offer financing or you can get a home loan through your local credit union or bank.  You should check the zoning requirements of your city or county, however, before purchasing a single wide manufactured home.  Some require that they only be placed in manufactured home parks or subdivisions rather than on land you have purchased.NoneNone