NoneUnless it is given in writing there is nothing you an do about it later should you require to make use of the warranty and the seller assumes deniability. If you are looking for repo manufactured homes to buy, the place to start looking is your local dealer. Many local dealers who may or may not have been the original sellers of the house do have repossessed homes for sale. Other places to look for repo manufactured homes would be at the banks in your city. Financial institutions often take possession of a home because the homeowners are unable to repay the mortgage or loans. They then have designated sellers to dispose off these homes.As with buying any other type of home, some research is required when looking for repo manufactured homes too. Make sure your home is in the right locality – some place where you have access to public transportation, emergency services, schools and malls as well as places of worship. Shopping around is always a good idea. It is not necessary that similar repo manufactured homes be priced alike at all dealers. Looking around is bound to get you a good offer pretty soon. Inspect the home you are considering buying to make sure you will not have to make any immediate investments in the form of  repairs or remodeling. Being well-informed will definitely have a positive impact on your decision and this will always be beneficial to you in the long run. Professional inspection and assessment is the best way to do this if you can afford it. If your home should require only minimal repairs, the  you can save some dollars on this by getting friends and family to help out. Buying the materials you require at a discount store or wholesale retailer will save some more money. Renovations and remodeling should be things to be done at a later stage depending upon the time you have and your financial situation. You should not have to worry about that as soon as you buy a home. Cleaning up should be the priority. Just one thorough round of tidying up can make repo manufactured homes look as good as new. Once this has been done and perhaps a new coat of paint put in, you will be ready to have your family move in. You might also want to invite a few friends over and watch them react to your lovely home.NoneNone