None First, before ever expressing interest to any loan or finance company, take a look at your credit report. Be certain there are no mistakes or misinformation, and clean up any problems you possibly can. The better your credit history looks to a lender, the more likely you are to get a great interest rate when refinancing mobile homes. Take a long look at your budget. Compare your current income against your expenses and see just how much you can afford to pay for your housing each month. If you are able to inform the loan companies of the exact payment amount you need each month, they can work with you to find the deal you need.Understand what goes into the final decision of the lenders when doing a refinance loan on a mobile home. Loan companies will look at a variety of things when making an offer to a mobile home owner. They look at such things as your credit, income sources, the condition and location of the home, the depreciated value of the structure, and how much time and money is left on the current loan before making their decisions.Another important point to remember when refinancing mobile homes is to shop around. By looking at a variety of lending sources, you can compare terms and interest rates to find the best possible deal for your current financial situation. If you jump on the original offer, you can end up in a situation where you are paying more money out of pocket each month than you need to.Compare the different rates and terms available to you when refinancing mobile homes.  Depending on your current situation, you may want to consider a loan that has a slightly higher rate with a shorter repayment time if you are not planning on making your current home permanent. Alternately, if you intend to stay in the same home for years following your refinance, you can choose a loan with a lower rate and longer repayment terms. Also, each lender has different policies on prepayment and penalties incurred, so research that point carefully.Once you have taken careful consideration of your own credit and financial situation and have compared what each lender has to offer you, you can make a final decision. Refinancing mobile homes can lift a great financial burden off of you and help you to improve your credit rating. Once you have completed the refinance process, you can look forward to having more money in your pocket each month to spend on things you really want or need.NoneNone