In Oklahoma County, a manufactured home is classified as either real estate property or personal property. The difference in classification is determined by whether or not the owner of the manufactured home also owns the lot on which the home sits. Manufactured homes that sit on a lot owned by the homeowner are considered real estate property and if they sit on a lot rented by the homeowner, they are considered personal property. All assessments regarding manufactured homes Oklahoma are handled through the Manufactured Housing Department of Oklahoma County. homes in Oklahoma, like elsewhere, have been constructed according to the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) codes since 1976. These building codes are federal, not local, and local building codes can vary but do not typically apply to manufactured homes. Manufactured homes are generally considered mobile, even if there is no intention of moving it from its lot. Financing of a manufactured home can be different from other types of homes and certain restrictions and terms are generally offered. The same is true with homeowners insurance, but valuation is based on several factors including square footage, year of construction, tie-down and skirting. Many insurance policies are available in a full range of coverage for owners of manufactured homes.To help you find manufactured homes Oklahoma licensed real estate agents can show you available homes in areas that interest you. You can also contact a dealer of new manufactured homes for pricing and options. Choosing to purchase new or existing is merely a matter of budget and personal choice, as financing, insurance and property valuation factors remain the same. You can get a head start on your search by contacting a dealer or a real estate agent. Choosing a dealer can be based on several factors, including their ability to service you in your area and which manufacturers they work with. Choosing a real estate agent who is knowledgeable about manufactured homes in the area will help reduce your search time for existing properties. Choosing a manufactured home residential area can also take some time. There are over 80 mobile and manufactured home parks in Oklahoma County. You might want to visit several to get a feel for living standards and residency before you buy. You might also want to investigate the availability of provided storm shelters nearby. It is estimated that close to 10% of US residents live in manufactured homes. The best buy is one that is newer and built to modern standards. Manufactured homes, Oklahoma and elsewhere, can provide an affordable alternative to housing expenses for a variety of situations.