Nevada is the gambling Mecca of the United States. Cross the state line and you will be assaulted by the sights of huge billboards and your ears will suddenly hear the din of slot machines.  The Sagebrush State has becoming a favored vacation spot for Americans who like the idea of getting out of town for a weekend and just running wild. Yet this state is also experiencing an unprecedented influx of newcomers. Since the year 2000, the population has grown by an estimated 21 percent. It is therefore not surprising that the state has experienced a real estate boom. More and more folks – especially from the state of California – have sold their homes at the height of the housing market there to put down a large cash deposit or down payment on a home in Nevada.  While many were able to come out ahead, others were not able to weather the housing boom in Nevada, and some may have even decided to downgrade a bit.  The sharp rise in manufactured home sales is perhaps an indication of this trend.As the cost of housing is rising in conjunction with the demand for high quality homes, the consumers’ abilities to buy into the market is staggering to a gradual halt. For some the rising real estate costs are no problem, but for more and more working families in Nevada the dream of a single family home in a good neighborhood is slowly being pulled out of reach. Manufactured home sales have increased in response to this market condition.  Of course, this should come as no surprise.  Keep in mind that manufactured homes can be built at a fraction of the cost that it would take to build a brick and mortar home, and therefore this housing option is an attractive alternative for those who want a quality built home but are unable or unwilling to pay top dollar for this privilege. With manufactured home sales on the rise, dealers and factories are wondering just where their consumers are moving to.Interestingly, manufactured home sales have gone up in Reno and also Silver Spring, which is located near a booming new housing development. Residents like the idea of being part of a booming development – getting in on the ground floor, so to speak – while at the same time not having to buy into the high-end developments that eat up a lot of equity.  Instead, dealers who thrive on manufactured home sales are quick to point out that modern manufactured homes are a world apart from the mobile homes of the past which were oftentimes poorly constructed and even more often somewhat unsightly.  Many a time it is hard to distinguish a manufactured home from a brick and mortar or even a modular home, and only a very close eye on the details would reveal and differences. If you are contemplating a move to sunny Nevada, do not hesitate to also take a look at the many attractive manufactured homes that could be yours for only a fraction of the price that a brick and mortar home demands. NoneNone