When faced with the need to make repairs or changes to your home, be sure to include the possibility of home improvement grants among your options. Home improvement grants can help you to make necessary improvements that may be otherwise unaffordable. There are a variety of sources from which to receive home improvement grants, and a little bit of time spent in researching such options can connect you with the right opportunity for your home improvement needs.Home improvement grants are an important resource for homeowners that have faced a significant income reduction or for lower income people who have struggled and saved to buy a home and are finding it hard to make the home improvements they need to make their home more livable or energy efficient. There are several grant opportunities that are funded via the federal government.The Department of Housing and Urban Development is a good place to start looking for home improvement grant opportunities. There are programs that are meant to help homeowners in urban areas improve their houses, as well as those available through the Housing and Community Facilities Programs, which are meant for those living in rural areas. Typically, grants of this nature are not made directly from the federal government to an individual homeowner, but rather are accessible via local programs.In addition to home improvement grants aimed specifically at low-income homeowners, there are also grants that are meant to benefit older Americans. This can be a valuable resource for those who have experienced health issues that have changed their housing requirements, such as when wheel chair accessibility becomes a requirement for safe and comfortable living. When repair needs have piled up to the degree that safety is threatened, home improvement grants are also available to older Americans to bring their homes back up to standard. For those who are trying to achieve homeownership, there are also home improvement grants that can help them achieve that goal. This is one of the ways that the government supports homeownership in lower income individuals and families. Because of the availability of these sorts of grants, an eligible person can purchase a home in need of significant repair and then fund those repairs with a grant. If you are faced with significant home improvement needs and affording those repairs or changes seems to be a struggle, home improvement grants can be a real help. With some time spent in researching local and federal opportunities, you may soon find that you are on your way to making the home improvements you need.