When many people think of manufactured homes, they think of single wide homes they see in what used to be known as trailer parks.  While single wide homes are still being made, if you are concerned about the size of a manufactured home, you may want to look at double wide manufactured homes.  Double wide manufactured homes are twice as wide as a single.  A smaller manufactured home with three bedrooms and 900 square feet is 24 feet wide by 40 feet long.  But, there are larger homes available.  A larger manufactured home with three bedrooms and 1,885 square feet is 32 feet wide by 62 feet long.What is the building process for double wide manufactured homes?  After you find a lot or manufactured home park to place your home, you will need to contact a builder.  If you don’t already have land, the builder may be able to suggest a lot.  Before the home can be placed there, the land needs to be excavated and a foundation set up, which your builder may be able to do as well.  The next step is building your home in a factory.  The factory protects each component of your home from the elements.  Each segment of the process is under close scrutiny by both company and independent inspectors.  They make sure that the double wide manufactured homes they produce meet strict government standards.  Once the house is approved, it is then delivered to the home site.  Using a crane or rollers, the home is set on the foundation and the components are permanently tied together.  The home is then weatherproofed and any final work is completed before you move in.  It normally take four to six weeks for everything to be completed once the house is delivered to the site.Most people are amazed to learn that the double wide manufactured homes of today hold their value over time, just as a traditional home.  Because of the quality and structural integrity, a manufactured home may even appreciate over time at a better rate than a traditional home.NoneNone